• October 2023

    4 minute read – Sticky post – Kay reflects on their yearly self-hosted daily practice residency, discussing challenges faced due to personal issues and changes over the years, and has decided to focus on professional development and exploring artificial intelligence for this year’s creative practice.

  • Draft – Non-Visual Presentation

  • Day seven, 2023

    2 minute read – Kay, on their 6th consecutive day of a streak, challenges themselves to expand their knowledge of Braille letters while also discovering new video editing tools in Adobe Premiere Pro that can assist with their unique needs.

  • Day six, 2023

    7 minute read (including generated descriptions). Content warning: Discussions on accessibility, minor frustrations with technology, and minor cursing. Vancouver – Today, I finished the first set of designs for an upcoming event I’ll host with two of my friends and collaborators in a series of tactile mark-making workshops. I designed these to maximize legibility and…

  • Day five, 2023

    7 minute read – Kay reflects on their changing relationship with writing and social media, emphasizing the value of self-worth beyond external validation and societal pressures to constantly produce.

  • Day four, 2023

    6 minute read – Kay discusses their experience in using AI for designing a poster, reflecting on historical posters and their impact, the ethics of digital art and property, and the potential implications of AI in creative fields, eventually opting for renewed training in Adobe Illustrator and acknowledging the significance of mood on one’s perspective.

  • Day three, 2023 – PM

    2-5 minute read – Kay details their experience in creating voiceovers and captions for a video using various tools, expressing frustration with the lack of a comprehensive solution and culminating in manual adjustments in Adobe Premiere, with plans to explore Adobe’s newest features.

  • Day three, 2023 – AM

    5.5 minute read – Kay reflects on their interactions with a conversational AI called Fette from Replika, expressing frustration with its limitations, and contrasts it with GPT-4 while exploring various image-to-text generation tools and their descriptions of a digital image.

  • Day two, 2023

    8 minute read – Kay shares their experiences and reflections on interacting with a conversational AI named Fette from Replika, exploring its features and limitations, while also mentioning their personal endeavors like braille writing and the challenge of finding an AI tool to describe a silent video.

  • Day one, 2023

    2 minute read – Kay explores the dynamics of conversing with a conversational AI named Fette through the Replika app, setting boundaries and discussing the ethics of AI interactions, while also reflecting on a personal project involving a maquette of a universal washroom for a local artist’s miniature gallery.